David Gutowski of Largehearted Boy blog says, “Anne Korkeakivi’s An Unexpected Guest is a compelling debut novel that elegantly unfolds its narrative of a 24-hour period in the life of a diplomat’s wife, one of the year’s most complex and unforgettable literary characters.” To read the full review plus Anne’s…(Read More)
Check It Out says, “”One of those great reads that confines itself to the parameters of a single day…. Engaging and well-written.” And S. Krishna’s Books agrees: “”Nice suspense as the novel progresses. …Atmospheric and moody, [Anne Korkeakivi’s] prose is sharp and it sets the tone for the novel.” To see the…(Read More)
“Since I wasn’t living there, I could travel its streets in my mind without feeling the fetters of any of the tiresome distractions of daily life…” To read this new Q&A for paris (im)perfect blog about writing and Paris, and writing about Paris, look here…(Read More)
The Christian Science Monitor calls An Unexpected Guest a “new and noteworthy” novel for 2012: “… many nice touches… a quietly intelligent novel about a woman who, at long last, learns to be honest with herself.” For the full review, see here. (Mild spoiler alert…(Read More)
“The story is beautifully written, as the author gives detailed and minute descriptions of Paris streets, tourist attractions, and the typical Parisian one might see on the street. The emotional and riveting finish will challenge the reader to decide which path they would have taken. This book is a winner!” says The Courier (Montgomery County…(Read More)
An Unexpected Guest appeared in the Turkish-language blog Dolce far Niente: “The novel is completely away from being boring, each chapter is a fiction created to keep the excitement alive.” To read the entire review, in the original Turkish, look here.  …(Read More)
To hear a radio interview with Anne on WRS (World Radio Switzerland) – discussing, among other things, how her experiences as an expatriate and a journalist informed the themes and writing process of An Unexpected Guest – click here…(Read More)
From Kathleen Ferrari’s blog: “I always know that I am reading a great book when I start to read faster. This was the case with An Unexpected Guest.” To read more, look here…(Read More)
“In a very general sense, living abroad affects how one sees the world, which in turn affects what one writes.” For a new author Q&A with Anne on Writer Abroad blog, discussing – among other topics – questions related to being a writer abroad, please look here…(Read More)
Demand has out-stripped supply: the hardcover edition of An Unexpected Guest has gone into a second printing…(Read More)