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Posts Posts by: "Anne Korkeakivi"

Lovely first review in Library Journal – readers be warned, the full text contains spoilers. “…Moving between the starched-napkin ambience of high-level diplomacy and urgent questions of revolutionary activity, this engaging debut novel gently probes both without forcing insurmountable choices on its characters.” – Barbara Hoffert, in Library Journal…(Read More)

“It was the image of this tiny but indomitable twosome, neither of whom had contracted AIDS, that stayed with me. Every morning the nine-year-old girl would lead her baby brother to the treacherous coltan mines, where he’d work for hours at a stretch running his small hands through mud, searching for colombo…(Read More)

“I’d use the hours on the train to twist and turn our relationship over in my head, bending and inverting it, hoping to end up with a shape I could understand. I knew that an intelligent, liberated woman like myself was supposed to expect more from a relationship, but I couldn’t stop waxing…(Read More)

An Unexpected Guest has been chosen as a featured alternate selection by Book of the Month Club, Literary Guild, Mystery Guild, and Quality Paperback Book Club in May 2012…(Read More)

Booker-prize short-listed in 2010, this inventive best-seller told entirely but never irritatingly from a child’s point of view deserves the attention it has received…(Read More)

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