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Some French amitié


“An intriguing book of many layers and many storylines… The narration moves smoothly from the past to present and back again and it is a fast paced read that kept me page turning well into the night.. I look forward to reading more from Anne.” To see the rest of this review in The French…(Read More)

Just a few days before An Unexpected Guest comes out in Italy from publisher Garzanti, under the lovely title “Quando eravamo foglie nel vento” (or “When We Were Leaves in the Wind”). And, the advance word has been so warm and generous, Italian-style: “Ancora prima della pubblicazione, Quando eravamo foglie nel vento è stato incoronato…(Read More)

A big merci to Prête-Moi Paris blog for this lovely review: “The tale [Korkeakivi] weaves makes the pages turn, and her descriptions make you want to slow them down so as to savor each moment she describes in elegant detail. If you love Paris you will lose yourself in this novel.” If you…(Read More)

Thanks, Prof


School may be well behind me, but e-mails and reviews from university English professors praising An Unexpected Guest still capture a special place of pride. “Anne Korkeakivi does a fantastic job of…making it very thrilling indeed.  This is a great first novel that bodes only better things to come.” To see the whole…(Read More)

Anne will offer two half-day fiction-writing seminars at Grub Street in Boston this summer: a seminar on Creating Great Beginnings, on July 12; and a seminar on Writing the Political Story, on July 13. All are welcome! For detailed information about the courses, including content, times, location, and cost, look here…(Read More)

I’ll be reading from An Unexpected Guest, followed by a Q&A and signing, in NYC on Tuesday, May 14, at the last Pen Parentis Literary Salon of this season. Also reading from recent work will be authors Joanna Hershon, Helen Phillips and Jennifer Cody-Epstein. On the second floor of the Andaz…(Read More)

My latest fiction publication is a short story called “Jimmy Way and the House at the End of the Road” in the 2013 issue of Consequence magazine. Consequence is a terrific international literary magazine focused on the culture of war, and “Jimmy Way” is about the unusual relationship between an ambition Brooklyn teenager and a…(Read More)

Some French amitié

“An intriguing book of many layers and many storylines… The narration moves smoothly from the past to present and back…

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Thanks, Prof

School may be well behind me, but e-mails and reviews from university English professors praising An Unexpected Guest still…

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New Short Story

My latest fiction publication is a short story called “Jimmy Way and the House at the End of the Road…

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