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Pieces says An Unexpected Guest “elegantly mixes politics and history with a complicated personal story… More than anything it is an intelligent book. Emotionally intelligent and politically astute. more than anything it is an intelligent book.” For the full review, look here…(Read More)

Reviewer Anne Else said of An Unexpected Guest, in a review broadcast on Radio New Zealand: “I thought it was absolutely terrific. It’s one of those books, you know, I really look forward to getting back and reading the next bit – it’s gripping.” To hear the entire review, go here…(Read More)

Praise in Pieces

Pieces says An Unexpected Guest “elegantly mixes politics and history with a complicated personal story… More than anything it is…

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Australian Edition

An Unexpected Guest came out in Australia and New Zealand today, May 1st, from the 4th Estate imprint of HarperCollins…

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