An Unexpected Guest was featured as a recommended book on the radio program “Speed Reads,” WRS (World Radio Switzerland…(Read More)
Lovely first review in Library Journal – readers be warned, the full text contains spoilers. “…Moving between the starched-napkin ambience of high-level diplomacy and urgent questions of revolutionary activity, this engaging debut novel gently probes both without forcing insurmountable choices on its characters.” – Barbara Hoffert, in Library Journal…(Read More)
U.S. publication date for An Unexpected Guest is April 17, 2012…(Read More)
Little, Brown will issue an international edition of An Unexpected Guest, to appear in April 2012…(Read More)
Foreign rights to An Unexpected Guest have been sold to Italy, Russia, Australia, and Serbia…(Read More)
An Unexpected Guest has been chosen as a featured alternate selection by Book of the Month Club, Literary Guild, Mystery Guild, and Quality Paperback Book Club in May 2012…(Read More)
An Unexpected Guest has been chosen as a “Pick of the Week” by WHSmith bookstore in Paris…(Read More)