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Honored to be in this excellent company on Read Her Like An Open Book blog: ” [An Unexpected] Guest is both a closely observed character study and a stately suspense novel. Korkeakivi brilliantly explores the various ways the past continues to live inside us — and occasionally outside us.” To see the full quotation, as…(Read More)

An Unexpected Guest is a staff pick at the Kent District Library: “I loved the insight into a diplomat’s life… {T]he choices the main character made in a day were suspenseful and life-changing. Fascinating read!” To see the whole citation, please look here…(Read More)

I love this review, from A Traveler’s Library. So beautiful! And so nice: “Reading An Unexpected Guest is like standing on the shore watching the waves. As much as it seems to be just one single mass of water, it changes composition each time it comes in, stirring sand, moving shells closer to the…(Read More)

I’m happy to announce I’ll be giving a fiction-writing workshop – “Fiction, from Beginning to End” – at the Zurich Writers Workshop, May 23-25, 2014, in Zurich, Switzerland. The workshop, which will include critiques, is designed for long and short fiction writers of all levels of experience. Only twelve places, though! For more…(Read More)

Book Giveaway!


My Beautiful Paris blog is holding a book giveaway of An Unexpected Guest. Readers have until February 28 to enter… For additional information, look here – and take a meander around this très charmant blog, dedicated to Paris, while there…(Read More)

Indies First


Sherman Alexie, the National Book Award-winning author, has launched a grassroots movement dubbed “Indies First” to help support independent bookstores, whereby authors volunteer to spend Saturday, November 30, at an independent bookstore chatting with customers, making book-choice suggestions, and signing their own work. It’s a wonderful important idea that has received huge…(Read More)

Required reading


Such an honor to discover An Unexpected Guest alongside Mrs. Dalloway as required reading for the creative writing senior elective “Women Writers” at Notre Dame Academy in Worcester. Thanks for choosing it, Mrs. Haley, and best of luck to all of you young women writers…(Read More)

Così bella


It is such a pleasure having An Unexpected Guest out in Italy, where it is known as Quando Eravamo Foglie nel Vento, and Italian readers have been so welcoming. For example: “Romanzo veramente magistrale, con un plot molto bene intessuto, con una suspense invidiabile, in uno stile elegante e raffinato.” (A truly masterful novel, with…(Read More)

Read Her Like An Open Book blog calls An Unexpected Guest, “An unexpected pleasure… a remarkably well-written novel and a spellbinding read.” To read the full review, look here…(Read More)

A new Q & A


A conversation about writing, Paris, Virginia Woolf, choosing book titles, the truth of expatriate life, favorite books, and favorite wines. Among other things. To read, look here…(Read More)

Library Choice

An Unexpected Guest is a staff pick at the Kent District Library: “I loved the insight into a diplomat’s…

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A Beautiful Review

I love this review, from A Traveler’s Library. So beautiful! And so nice: “Reading An Unexpected Guest is like…

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Book Giveaway!

My Beautiful Paris blog is holding a book giveaway of An Unexpected Guest. Readers have until February 28 to enter…

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Indies First

Sherman Alexie, the National Book Award-winning author, has launched a grassroots movement dubbed “Indies First” to help support independent…

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Required reading

Such an honor to discover An Unexpected Guest alongside Mrs. Dalloway as required reading for the creative writing senior elective…

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Così bella

It is such a pleasure having An Unexpected Guest out in Italy, where it is known as Quando Eravamo Foglie…

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A new Q & A

A conversation about writing, Paris, Virginia Woolf, choosing book titles, the truth of expatriate life, favorite books, and favorite wines…

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